the leaves from 3-4 red beetsroughly chopped (including the stems, which you can cut into smaller pieces)
1red onionbig, thinly chopped
4L16 cups water
250ml1 cup vegan rice cream, I use Alpro
vinegar - I used 1/2 of the vinegar left from one 750ml pickle jar. If you're using rice vinegaronly add 2-3 Tbsp, then mix and taste. Then you can add more, according to your preferences.
1big bunch of parsleythinly sliced
1big bunch of lovagethinly sliced
optional: 2 Tbsp miso paste - I use miso paste in soups to replace salt. It also adds a boost of probioticscompared to regular salt.
salt and pepperto taste
Add the water into a big pot.
Add the chopped onion and beet leaves. Boil for 15 minutes.
Turn off the heat and add the vinegar, chopped greens, vegan cream. Add salt and pepper to taste.