3Tbspsmixed seeds pine nuts, chia, sunflower, pepitas,sesame, and flax
½tspbaking soda
Soak chickpeas in water the night before you want to make this hummus.
Fill a large pot with water and add soaked and drained chickpeas. Add 1/2 tsp baking soda in the water.
Boil chickpeas until tender (1 hour).
Drain chickpeas and fill the pot with cold water. Start stirring and gently massaging chickpeas. This will take their peels off. Drain and refill. Do this 5-6 times until most of the peels are off.
Add all ingredients, except seeds and oil, in your food processor and blend until smooth. Add a little bit of ice-cold water in order to make it as smooth as you want.
Process on high speed for 5 minutes until hummus is extra-smooth.