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Here you’ll find a lot of information about how to eat healthy, including everything you need to know about a vegetarian and vegan diet. Besides this, you will also get some tips and tricks about healthy living, find out more about international ethnic cuisines such as the Italian cuisine, French, Spanish, Asian, Middle Eastern and more!

One of my main goals is to help you create healthy habits by following plant-based diets. For this, I wrote some dedicated recipes and articles on these themes. You will find four main post categories on this page: nutrition articles about keeping a healthy diet plan, personal thoughts and insights, guides and cooking tips and other interesting subjects. In the nutrition articles, you will find lots of health tips and nutrition-related posts about vitamins, fruits, veggies and how to integrate these into your daily eating habits. In the guides and cooking tips category you can find many guides to the most famous and important traditional cuisines of the world – this is useful if you want to integrate some special dishes into your daily meals. In the personal thoughts category you will be able to read about my healthy eating habits, my vegetarian story, the changes that come into my life and other personal insights that I hope you will find useful too. There is also the ‘other’ category where I write about random health tips and different subjects and articles that you might want to read. I have created a new and special section where I will add articles about Yoga – from frequently asked questions to other tips, tricks and insights about yoga and its benefits to the human body and soul.

If you wish to be fully informed about a healthy lifestyle, here is the best place to start reading!