How to Make a Smoothie Bowl
Here’s how to make a smoothie bowl topped with some unique mixes of dry fruits, nuts, and seeds, created by Native Box!
Last week I received from Tudor the NativeBox, a box filled with delicious and healthy mixes of dry fruits, nuts, and seeds. I’ve tested his mixes before, but I never had time to post a recipe and review on the blog. This time, I won’t post just one recipe, but three smoothie bowl recipes, just so I can make up for the delay. 😀
When it comes to smoothies, I always choose the easiest, basic recipe – bananas plus something else. I rarely go out of my comfort zone and use another fruit as a base for a smoothie. You won’t see me drinking a veggie juice, ever! Perhaps, in the “worst” case scenario, I will add some greens in it, but still, fruits are the base when it comes to my favorite smoothie recipes. 🙂
So, here are 3 smoothie bowl recipes I created with the help of the Native Box mixes. You’ll get one vanilla, one chocolate smoothie, and one fruit-flavored smoothie bowl. Something for each taste. 🙂

NativeBox delivers awesome fruits, seeds and nuts mixes all across Romania. Unfortunately, he doesn’t deliver internationally. If you want more details about this, check out the Romanian version of this post.
Which one of these smoothie bowl recipes do you like most? Let me know, in the comment section below.

Nutri Brunch Smoothie Bowl Recipes

Cum sa faci un smoothie bowl
- 2 bananar
- ⅓ lingurita vanilie pudra
- ½ cana apa sau lapte
- 120 g Native Box Nutri Brunch Mix contine nuci Braziliene, nuci romanesti, merisoare si afine.
- Mixeaza totul mai putin mixul de nuci si fructe deshidratate pe car ele vei pune pe deasupra.
If you make this, please leave a review and rating if you liked this recipe! ★★★★★
Great idea for breakfast! I usually make my own mix of dried fruits and nuts and they’re perfect for smoothie bowls 🙂
Thanks! 😀