Raw Vegan Coconut Balls | Raffaello Bonbons
These raw vegan coconut balls resemble the famous Raffaello bonbons. They have a strong coconut flavor and a crunchy almond inside. Can you believe they’re ready in only 10 minutes?!
You don’t know how happy I am that I came up with the idea to make these amazing coconut balls! Raffaello bonbons are my favorite candies ever! I am crazy about them! These coconut balls resemble them very much. The taste is just the same and they even have that crunchy almond inside. 🙂

You need just a couple of ingredients to make these delicious (and healthy!) coconut balls. It’s amazing how some basic ingredients can make such a delicious, guilt-free, HEALTHY dessert 😀
This recipe is so easy to make! Try and make these raw vegan coconut balls.

Another great thing about these raw coconut balls is that they’re ready in about 10 minutes! Yes! They’re that easy to make!
Looking forward to reading your comments! Let me know how they turned out! ….I’m going to make another batch now.. 😀

Raw Vegan Raffaello Bonbons
- 5 Tbsps coconut oil melted
- 1 cup coconut flakes real ones, not those yucky colored flakes
- 15 almonds raw, preferably peeled ones
- 2-3 Tbsps honey I used honey, but you can use agave
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 4 Tbsp coconut flakes for coating
- Mix coconut oil with coconut flakes, sweetener, and vanilla.
- Let the composition sit in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.
- Put the 4 Tbsps of coconut flakes in a small dish.
- Make the bonbons. Use 1 tsp of the composition per coconut ball. Add one almond in each one of them and coat them in raw coconut flakes.
- Store in fridge for later or eat right away.

If you make this, please leave a review and rating if you liked this recipe! ★★★★★
Wow, these are even better than the original! I think I’m addicted, I made them 5 times already and they were absolutely fabulous every time. Thank you so much for writing this recipe, Ruxandra! It’s one of my favorites ever!
You’re welcome! 😀
Dear Ruxandra,
thank you so much for your great recipies, they all do look so yummy and I will for sure try out several. And also thank you for telling your story. I had to watch the trailer Earthlings and I could not stand long because it is so sad and shocking what happens out there – I am vegetarian since more than 20 years now but my children are not (they are probably too small for this movie, but it inspired me to talk with them about meat again…)
Thank you so much
Best wishes and you are so beautiful
Hi, Bea! You’re welcome and thank you! 😀 Yes… couldn’t watch Earthlings either. 10 minutes were enough for me. It’s too much for kids…it’s too much even for adults… but you can show them some nicer documentaries, such as food matters, food inc. I don’t remember those having violent images.
Thank you for this great recipe! I made these for our girls night yesterday and they were a huge success?
They were super easy to make, only my kitchen was a mess afterwards with coconut flakes everywhere ? Definitely worth it though ?
You’re welcome, Katja! So happy to hear this! 😀 Yes, making quite a mess is a downside, but as you said, it’s totally worth it! 😀
Hey! I just tried those raffaellos by your recipe. They were really really delicious. Thank you!
Wow! They look great! So glad you liked the recipe. 🙂
Am gasit la Naturalia doar ulei de cocos, nu pare sa se intareasca sau ceva. E totuna cu untul de cocos? E dubios… As vrea sa incerc reteta..
Hm.. eu stiam ca untul de cocos se transforma in ulei atunci cand e la temp. camerei si reia forma solida pus la frigider.
Are miros de cocos? Untul de cocos presat la rece trebuie sa aiba o aroma subtila de cocos, ala dezodorizat e procesat si nu stiu cat de sanatos e. Eu zic sa incerci si asa, e posibil sa ai nevoie de mai multi fulgi de cocos.
Sa imi spui daca au iesit ok 🙂
Thanks for sharing this!
These were delicious! I did have to add more honey and coconut butter to get it to bind but I’ll be keeping this recipe for sure
Hi Amy! Great to hear that you liked them. I’ll edit the recipe and add an extra instruction to add more butter or honey if the composition isn’t sticky enough. Thanks!
Thank you for this nice recipe!
I just had a try as we’re having dinner with some friends tonight. I used coconut oil instead of coconut butter and added a good tsp of white almond butter. They turned out really nice and Raffaello like 🙂
Great to hear that! A few days ago I made a Raffaello cake too 😀 It was delicious! I’ll post the recipe soon 🙂
Arata foarte bine , eu le fac dupe reteta lui Doina Oprea ( foarte bune 🙂 ) dar sunt foarte tentata sa fac si varianta ta. Singurul ingredient care imi lipseste aici este untul de cocos , oare as putea folosi ulei de cocos pe care sa-l tin putin la rece pina se mai incheaga ? O sa incerc 🙂
Multumesc de reteta !
Mersi Cerasela! Ma bucur ca iti place reteta. Toate bombonelele raw sunt delicioase 😀 Uleiul de cocos e unt de cocos. Adica se transforma in unt daca il tii la frigider. Deci da, poti sa il folosesti. E foarte important insa sa fie nerafinat, presat la rece. Are o aroma aparte untul de cocos 100% crud.