Raw Vegan Chocolate and Raspberry Cake
This raw vegan chocolate and raspberry cake is ready in less than half an hour! You can make this raw vegan chocolate cake with other berries too!
The first time I made this raw vegan chocolate and raspberry cake recipe was two years ago, for my 20th birthday party. That was the first time I made a raw vegan dessert. Since then, I absolutely fell in love with raw vegan desserts! This became my favorite raw chocolate cake recipe ever! It’s so easy to make and it’s crazy good! You’ll have to make it and see for yourself!

UPDATE! I’ve made this raw chocolate cake recipe so many times! It’s one of my favorite raw chocolate cakes recipes. I’ve tried it with wild berries, blackberries and strawberries. Check out some photos below and see how it turned out wtith strawberries. This time I didn’t use 2 crust balls, just one. I wanted it to be creamier so I didn’t add a middle layer crust.

Raw Vegan Chocolate and Raspberry Cake
- 2 cups walnuts
- ½ cup carob powder
- 1 pinch sea salt
- 1 cup dates pitted
Chocolate cream
- ¼ cup honey or maple syrup
- 3 bananas ripe
- ⅓ cup carob
- 2 Tbsps psyllium husks
Garnishing and filling
- 1 ½ cups raspberries
- 5 tbsp dark chocolate chips I used 85% cocoa
- Place the walnuts, salt, dates and carob/cocoa in your food processor and blend well until you get a soft and sticky paste.
- Divide the mixture in two and form two balls. Place these balls in the fridge.
- Place the bananas, carob/cocoa, psyllium husks and honey in your food processor and mix well until you get a smooth paste.
- Cover the cake form with a plastic wrap. Put one crust ball in your cake form and spread it evenly. Tip: Place a piece of plastic wrap over the crust and start pressing and spreading. This way it won’t stick to your fingers and you’ll manage to spread it evenly really quick.
- Spread some chocolate cream on top (6-7 tbsp). Sprinkle the raspberries and press them gently into the chocolate cream.
- Place the other dough ball on top and spread it, but be careful not to crush the raspberries. (You can place it between two plastic wraps and stretch it evenly and after that, place it over the raspberries – without the plastic wraps, of course. It is easier this way and you won’t crush the raspberries.)
- Add the remaining chocolate cream.
- Garnish with raspberries and dark chocolate flakes.
- Put in fridge for at least 2 hours before serving.
If you make this, please leave a review and rating if you liked this recipe! ★★★★★
The cake is just PERFECT! I made it for a friend’s birthday and she loved it! Fabulous recipe!!!
Happy to hear you liked the recipe! 😀
Hi. I just saw this scrumptious looking recipe on Goji and I want to make it this weekend for some friends. However, I don’t know where I could find psyllium husks (I have all the other ingredients); what would be the effect if I skipped this ingredient? Also, would it be OK to use almond flour instead of crushed walnuts for the crust? Thanks!
Hi Monica!
Psyllium husks are very important because they make the cream stick together. You can substitute them with coconut butter. Melt coconut butter and add 4-5 Tbsps in the cream. I think this should be enough.
Yes, you can use almond flour.
Let me know how it turns out! 🙂
Buna seara..oare pot sa-l fac si fara tarate de psillyum si ciocolata ,ar trebui sa inlocuiesc cu altceva..vreau sa-l fac pt bebe..multumesc
Buna Elena! Taratele de psyllium sunt obligatorii. Fara ele nu se incheaga crema si nu devine ca o budinca. Ciocolata tortul nu contine. Am folost doar pt decor dar poate fi foarte usor omisa. Am folosit carob (pudra de roscove) pt culoare si gustul ca de ciocolata. Din cate stiu carobul e ok si pt bebelusi. Nici taratele nu stiu sa aiba vreo contraindicatie. Ai mai putea incerca in loc de tarate, agar agar. Nu stiu insa sa iti dau indicatii despre cum se foloseste pentru ca nu l-am mai incercat.
Vreau sa fac si eu tortul asta, a luat toate ingredientele mai putin fructele, pentru ca nu am gasit nimic in perioada asta. Ce-as putea sa pun in loc de fructe de padure, capsuni etc.?
Catalin, nici eu nu folosesc fructe proaspete. Se gasesc fructe congelate in orice hypermarket. Poti sa iei mix de fructe de padure sau doar mure/zmeura/capsuni, congelate. Mai poti incerca si cu banane, taiate felii. cred ca e o combinatie buna, desi nu am incercat-o, insa acum ca ma gandesc…ma cam bate gandul sa o incerc 😀
Si cum sunt astea congelate, sunt ok cand se dezgheata? Banuiesc ca tre sa le las la dezghetat inainte nu?
Sunt f ok. Le poti lasa la dezghetat in frigider si le folosesti dupa. Nu trebuie sa fie complet dezghetate, doar cat sa nu fie bocna. Oricum odata facut tortul, acesta mai sta la frigider macar o ora, in timpul ala se mai dezgheata fructele.
Multumesc, sa vedem ce iese 🙂
Just wanted to ask does the raw cocoa / carob powder come already mixed or do you just mix it half and half?
Hi Debbie! I don’t think I understood your question. Carob powder is used two times in this recipe, 1/2 cup for the crust and 1/3 cup for the cream. So you’ll need about a whole cup (5/6 cup) of carob powder for this recipe, divided as mentioned in the ingredients section. Hope this helps 🙂
Was wondering if you had any ideas on how to make this with a nut free crust?
Hi Lynn! Sure. Try it this way: 1 1/2 cup oats + 1/2 cup carob powder + 1 cup dates + a few tbsps of water
Hello idecided to ake this receipe for my boyfriend birthday and i have some questions first how long these balls have o stay in fridge and if its okay if i use only cacoa powder and what do u advice instead of raspberies thank u so much
You should store the balls in fridge until you finish doing the other steps. You can skip the fridge part for the crust balls but it is very important to leave the cake in the fridge at least an hour after you finished it! It’s ok to use cocoa powder but you shouldn’t add too much as it may be a little bitter. Add more honey if needed. You can use any kind of berries you want, strawberries, cranberries, blueberries, blackberries are a good choice.
Hi again, I made these cake a few days ago and it tasted great. I ended up subbing the raspberries for strawberries though
That’s great! Wish you had taken a photo and showed me how it turned out 😀 I was really curious 😛
Hi, how thin are the layers supposed to be?
Hi! About 7mm-1cm thick 🙂
When I made this I couldn’t get the crusts to be thin enough without sticking to my fingers or other surfaces so I had a lot of trouble with the second crust – any advice on what to do?
It still tasted great thou, nice recipe 🙂
You can use plastic wrap. Just put it over the crust and start pressing. It won’t stick to your fingers and you can spread it evenly. I’ll update the recipe and mention this. When I made the cake I didn’t use this method, I just simply pressed it with my fingers but I recently found out that using plastic wrap saves you a lot of time and it’s a lot easier too 🙂
I’m really glad it turned out great 😀
Can’t wait to try this! Just a question-for the cream, is that cocoa/carob in a powder form as well?
Hi Sara! Yes, I used carob/cocoa powder for the cream too.
Thank you! It is very delicious too. I don't usually like the fruits+chocolate combination but this one was just perfect!
fabulous and very sophisticated 🙂