Raw Vegan Chocolate
This is an easy raw vegan cashew chocolate recipe made with only 4 ingredients: cashews, cocoa butter, carob powder and healthy sweetener of choice.
I got the idea to make this raw vegan chocolate a few days ago, right after I made the Raw Cashew Nutella recipe, I posted on SkinnyLimits’ blog.

I loved the Nutella recipe so much, that I wanted to try and transform it into raw vegan bonbons and even raw chocolate bars. And so I did. Right after I ate the whole Nutella jar (…:D), I made another and this time made a few changes in order to transform that raw cream into a raw vegan chocolate.

Easy to make and delicious: Raw Vegan Chocolate
This raw vegan chocolate is very similar to the raw cashew Nutella recipe and it’s also super easy to make. You only need these 4 basic ingredients: raw cashews, carob or cocoa powder, cocoa or coconut oil and a healthy sweetener of choice. You can experiment and maybe add chili powder or mint. I think it would be delicious!

Hope you’ll like this raw vegan chocolate recipe!

Raw Vegan Chocolate
- Put the cashews in the blender or food processor and pulse until it has a flour-like consistency.
- You can use cocoa or coconut oil, which one you like more. The butter has to be melted or at least have a creamy consistency. I pre-heated the oven and then turn it off. Opened the oven door and put the butter in the oven for 2 minutes.
- Add melted oil, carob powder, a pinch of salt and healthy sweetener of choice, over the cashew flour in the food processor. Blend well together.
- Cover a rectangle form (I used a rectangle tart form) with some plastic foil. Add the chocolate composition and start pressing it and spreading it evenly.
- Place in fridge for at least an hour.
If you make this, please leave a review and rating if you liked this recipe! ★★★★★
One of the best raw vegan chocolate recipes I ever tried… and I tried many. I love it! 🙂
Happy to hear you liked the recipe! 😀
Fetelor, acceptati si commentul unui baiat? :p :)) am incercat si eu reteta, am folosit unt de cocos si sirop de agave, a iesit o ciocolata super-delicioasa. 🙂 abia astept sa incerc si celelalte retete. Si eu sunt vegan in devenire, de 2 ani jumate ovo.lacto.vegetarian dar de cateva saptamani incerc si stilul vegan si raw.vegan. So, congrats, Ruxandra! And thanks for sharing this deliociousness ^-^
Multumesc, Horatiu!! 😀 si felicitari pentru stilul de viata ales!
Nu mi-am imaginat vreodata ca un preparat raw vegan poate fi asa delicios! Sunt vegana de 6 luni si din pacate, abia acum 3 zile ti-am descoperit site-ul…suficient ca sa ma declar dependenta de el si retetele tale 😀 (ieri am incercat si chiftelutele cu naut…o nebunie :D). Ma bucur ca mai exista in ziua de azi, fete tinere pasionate de nutritie si “bucatareala” …ma simteam un fel de dinozaur in ultima vreme :))
Felicitari pentru tot! 🙂
Çe ma bucur ca ti-a placut!! Toate dulciurile raw sunt extraordinare! Eu nu am intalnit pana acum un desert raw care sa nu imi placa. Ma bucur ff mult ca iti plac retetele mele! De cateva saptamani am renuntat si la lactate, asa ca ma indrept cu pasi repezi catre veganism. Felicitari pentru stilul de viata sanatos! Si eu ma bucur enorm cand intalnesc persoane cu aceleasi principii ca mine si cu hobby-uri comune 🙂 Sper sa ne mai auzim!
Great blog!
Love carob instead of cocoa.
Thanks Milica! Carob is great! 😀