Fight Anemia with This Iron-Rich Juice!
If you’re looking for juices for iron deficiency, fight anemia with this delicious, iron-rich juice! I used a great combination of fruits and veggies, with a high concentration of iron, vitamins and other minerals. Enjoy!
Today is the 5th day of my spring detox diet. I ate only raw vegan foods so far. My daily menu consisted of 2-3 raw detox salads and a few glasses of different fruits and veggies juices. You’re probably wondering if I felt hungry or not. Well, I didn’t feel any hunger. The salads were very filling. I strongly recommend you to start a raw vegan detox diet + juice cleanse, especially now when there are so many green veggies in the markets! I will keep this detox diet for about 10 days, so I’m halfway there.

This iron-rich juice is one of my favorite fruits and veggie juice recipes! The main ingredient is beetroot, which I absolutely love! Beetroot is super-rich in iron, plus it contains lots of other great vitamins and minerals. I also added some other fruits and veggies and transformed a regular iron-rich beetroot juice in a delicious treat!
This iron booster juice is ready really fast. All you need is a juicer and in 5 minutes you’re done! I drink beet juice almost daily! I also love carrots and add them in almost all of my juices. Hope I won’t turn orange! 😀

Fight anemia with this iron-rich juice! Looking forward to reading your comments and receiving suggestions about other juices high in iron! Do you know any other iron-rich fruits juices? What other juices for iron deficiency do you usually drink? Also, let me know if this was the best juice for anemia, for you too. 🙂

Need a juicer? Check out these best juicers you can buy.
Juicing books? Check out Juicing, Fasting, and Detoxing for Life: Unleash the Healing Power of Fresh Juices and Cleansing Diets.

Fight Anemia with This Iron-Rich Juice!
- 1 beetroot peeled and cut to fit your juicer
- 4 carrots rinsed very well
- 4 apples rinsed very well
- 1 thumb-size piece ginger peeled
- ½ lemon peeled
- water to dilute
- Juice them all! I didn’t use any sweetener as I find it sweet enough.
If you make this, please leave a review and rating if you liked this recipe! ★★★★★
I absolutely love this juice! It is super tasty and sweet. I’ve made it several times and will continue to make it for my family. I have been low in ferritin, so I’m thrilled that I’ve found something delicious that will help. Thank you so much!
You’re very welcome! Hugs!
This is great recipe from you.
I’d like to inquire further more,how else can I make my beetroot juice because I don’t have a juicer neither do I’ve a blender.
Secondly,can this juice be kept in the fridge for daily use or do I need to prepare a freash drink everytime I need beetroot juice.
Thanks 👍
I’ll appreciate your help
I do not own a juicer… is there another way I can make this without one?
You can blend everything with lots of water, then strain it using a cheesecloth or something similar.
Amazing e delicious!! Tnks for sharing
Hi let’s know I am deaf so me always low iron so I make juices for anemia what put beetroot and spinach it good for iron .? And every day ? Hope hear from you
This juice gives me so much energy! I love drinking it in the morning 🙂 Thanks!
You’re welcome, Kane! Glad you liked it! 😀
Are you saying any juicer is good. I’m a young mom with a iron deficient child . So don’t know much about juicers but I do know that I’m willing to do anything to help my son. Will any juicer do for this recipe?
Buna Ruxandra, un suc foarte sanatos si energizant , o sa-l savurez cu mare placere stiind ca am si o carenta de fier in organism.
Felicitari pentru blog, iti datorez schimbarea pe care am inceput-o de cateva zile. Inca din primul documentar pe care l-am urmarit despre animale mi-am dat seama ca viata mea trebuie schimbata apoi a urmat si documentarul earthlings , in care 80% am plans…si sotul meu a ramas foarte impresionat de aceste materiale, el care prefera carnea la orice masa, acum a inceput sa o priveasca cu alti ” ochi ”
Cu alimentatia fetitei noastre de un anisor ne este mai greu, mai ales ca nu locuim in Romania, nu avem nici o piata prin preajma..aleg tot timpul ce este mai bun si sanatos dar cu carnea este o mare problema.
Oricum o sa iti urmaresc blogul cu mare placere si asteptam cat mai multe sfaturi si retete !
Multumim pentru tot .
Buna Lara,
Multumesc mult! Ma bucur ca ati facut primul pas. Urmatorul pas este sa te documentezi mai mult despre vegetarianism si ce inseamna, sa citesti carti/articole despre nutritie. Cu cat te vei documenta mai mult cu atat schimbarea o sa para mai fireasca si o sa te intrebi de ce nu ai facut asta mai devreme! 🙂 Important este ca schimbarea sa vina de la tine, atunci cand simti tu ca e momentul potrivit si cand esti pregatita. Daca ai si sustinerea familiei, va fi chiar si mai usor :).
Am scris si eu cateva articole utile aici:
Sper sa te ajute. Daca ai vreo nelamurire sau ai nevoie de un sfat, nu ezita sa ma contactezi! Te voi ajuta cu mare drag! 🙂
Buna din nou,
de documentat nu o sa-mi ajunga viata cate ar trebui sa stiu ,dar incerc in fiecare zi sa aflu, sa aplic si sa ofer mai departe. .Chiar aseara am stat pana mai tarziu sa citesc de pe acest blog Veggie stories , interesante persoane , subiectele dezbatute si inca o multime de aflat!
Imi place ceea ce ne transmiti , totul foarte bine explicat deaceea o sa rasfoiesc site-ul din scoarta in scoarta si nu numai, in cautarea informatiilor si imbogatirea spirituala.
Am pornit incet dar sigur pe aceasta cale necunoscuta dar de mult dorita !
Intradevar, in permanenta avem ceva de invatat 🙂 Sa te uiti la documentarele mentionate in articole. Pe mine m-au ajutat enorm! Au foarte multe informatii comprimate in doar 1-2 ore si iti ofera un boost de cunostinte 🙂 Si cartile recomandate sunt de asemenea foarte bune!
Stai un pic , apa daca dorim ? Apa trebuie adaugata in orice suc natural, altfel pe termen lung, vai de stomac. Sucul trebuie diluat !
A se evita combinarea fructelor si legumelor deoarece sucul rezultat nu se digera asa cum trebuie. In schimb, frunzele verzi se pot combina si cu legume si cu fructe.
Serios? Nu stiam asta. Eu chiar tin o cura de detox acum, cu multe sucuri. Nu le prea diluez si le si combin fructe cu legume. Cred ca depinde si de cat de sensibil e stomacul fiecaruia. Eu nu am avut nicio problema. Ba din contra, inainte aveam probleme cu balonarea (care mai tarziu am descoperit ca era de la gluten) iar acum digestia e perfecta. Voi tine cont de indicatiile tale si voi modifica reteta 😉 Mersi!
Ce storcator folosesti? Prin presare la rece sau unul centrifugal?
Multumesc pentru raspuns.
Buna Oana!
Din pacate nu am storcator cu presare la rece. Eu folosesc un Philips Viva Collection HR 1855 ca acesta: Sunt multumita de el pana acum. Pulpa iese aproape uscata.
Tu stii ceva de storcatoarele cu presare la rece? Care e mai bun si mai putin costisitor?
Nu m-am documentat foarte bine, doar ca toata lumea spune ca sunt mult mai bune fiindca pastreaza calitatile nutritionalale ale sucurilor…si bineinteles mai stiu cat costa un astfel de storcator. 🙂 Ma gandeam ca stii tu mai multe in acest sens si de aceea te-am intrebat. Ramane sa ne documentam mai bine.
Ah cat imi place postarea aceasta :D. si mie imi place sucul de sfecla si morcovi foarte mult 🙂 si cand mai adaug si un mar si o bucatica de ghimbir e divin. eu insa mai adaug si spanac/verdeata pentru un “intake” de clorofila. Yum Yum!!
Ce idee buna! Niste patrunjel ar merge la fix! 😀