Gluten-Free Vanilla Cake with Fruits

This is an amazing gluten-free vanilla cake recipe, topped with fresh fruits and covered in a delicious, sweet vanilla cream frosting! 

Heeey! So good to be back! I missed cooking and writing on the blog. I had a super short vacation and a mini-getaway last weekend. I went to the seaside and took a break from all the work, stress, and school stuff. I wanted to share with you this gluten-free vanilla cake recipe last Wednesday, but I was a little bit lazy. Sorry.

gluten-free vanilla cake recipe

Here are some photos from our trip to Vama Veche! 🙂 Hehe…we had a lot of fun and the weather was just perfect! The food was kind of crappy…but we drank a lot instead 😀

P.S. You can follow me on Instagram

gluten-free vanilla cake with fruits

About this….AWESOME cake recipe! I’m not going to be modest at all, this was delicious! Can you believe this was my first baked cake…ever?! I only made raw vegan cakes so far and this was kind of new to me. I made this amazing gluten-free vanilla cake recipe for my mother’s birthday last week and it was a huge success!

Unfortunately, the recipe is not vegan, as it contains eggs. For the cake crust, I used the Gluten-Free Sweet Bread recipe. I am new to baking and especially gluten-free baking, so I didn’t want it to turn into a huge mess. By the way, if you have a tested gluten-free sweet bread recipe without eggs, please do tell!

Gluten-Free Vanilla Cake with Fruits Banana-Cashew Cream

Anyway, the creamy frosting is dairy-, sugar-, egg-free and it is actually raw! It was delicious! The semi-sweet taste with lemon and vanilla flavor goes great with fresh fruits!

This is one of my favorite gluten-free cakes by far! I’ll make another gluten-free/dairy-free cake recipe for Costin’s name day at the end of this month. This time, I’ll try something with chocolate. 😀

Gluten-Free Vanilla Cake with Fruits and cashew cream
Gluten-Free Vanilla Cake with Fruits Banana-Cashew Cream Tort fara gluten de vanilie fructe crema caju recipe

Gluten-Free Vanilla Cake with Fruits

This is an amazing gluten-free vanilla cake recipe, topped with fresh fruits and covered in a delicious, sweet banana-cashew cream!
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 50 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 10 minutes
Choose Serving Size 12


Cake layers

  • 1 ½ cup Schar gluten-free flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 4 eggs
  • ½ cup sugar
  • ½ cup grapeseed oil + more for greasing the tray
  • ½ tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 pinch sea salt


  • 2 cups raw cashews soaked overnight or for at least 1 hour
  • 3 ripe bananas sliced
  • 2 lemons zest only
  • 1 lemon's juice
  • 2 tsps vanilla extract
  • 4 Tbsps honey or other healthy sweetener of choice

Syrup and other ingredients

  • 1 Tbsp honey
  • ½ glass water
  • 2 kiwis
  • 1 tangerine
  • 10 strawberries
  • ½ cup almond flakes


  • Pre-heat oven at 356F/180C.
  • Grease the sweet bread tray with some oil. The sizes of my tray are approx. 10cm x 30cm.
  • Separate egg yolks from the egg whites.
  • Whisk egg whites until foamy. Add sea salt.
  • Whisk egg yolks with sugar, oil, vanilla extract and baking powder. Slowly add flour and incorporate. Add foamy egg white. Mix using a spatula.
  • Pour the composition in the greased tray.
  • Put it in the oven and let it bake for 45-50 minutes.


  • Add all ingredients in your food processor and process until smooth and creamy. If you don’t have a very powerful food processor, add cashews first and process until smooth, then add the rest of the ingredients.


  • Combine honey with water.


  • Slice cake crust in two. It may have a small bump on the top, so slice that too. The layers should be smooth and straight.
  • Put one cake layer on a cake platter. Slowly pour syrup evenly on top of it. Use half the quantity.
  • Add some frosting. Spread evenly. Add some sliced fruits.
  • Cover with the other cake layer. Add syrup all over it, like you did before.
  • Spread the frosting all over the cake, on top and on sides. Use a blunt knife to spread it evenly.
  • Decorate with fruits on top and almond flakes on the sides.
how to make a gluten-free vanilla cake

I recommend you to try the Easiest vegan cake recipe ever! 

gluten-free vanilla cake easy recipe

If you make this, please leave a review and rating if you liked this recipe! ★★★★★

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Recipe Rating


  1. 5 stars
    This cake is just GORGEOUS! And perfect for an anniversary party 🙂 I didn’t have kiwi so I used bananas instead and it was still amazing! Love it!

  2. Arata demential tortul! Sanatos si colorat cum ii sta bine unui dulce bun. Tocmai mi-ai dat o idee pentru un tortulet raw :). Iti multumesc!
    Cat despre indulcitor, ai incercat pana acum zaharul de cocos? Are un indice glicemic mai bun decat zaharul normal, procesul de productie e mai natural si isi mai pastreaza din nutrienti. Eu il folosesc cand am nevoie. Din pacate si despre el sunt multe pro si contra…Alti indulcitori naturali de care am auzit, dar nu am folosit pana acum sunt stevia si xilitolul
    Numai bine!

    1. Multumesc! 😀 Intradevar se poate face raw super usor. Nu stiam de zahar de cocos. Suna tare bine. Chiar il voi testa. Stevia nu e prea ok pentru dulciuri. Eu o folosesc doar pt indulcit ceaiul sau alte lichide. Are un gust un pic artificial, sau asa mi se pare mie. De xilitol am auzit insa nu l-am testat. Mersi mult de tot pentru sfaturi! 😀

      1. Buna Ruxandra,
        tocmai mi-am achizitionat rapadura ( L-am luat de curiozitate sa vad cum e, si mi se pare super bun, mai ales ca tot ce am citit despre el sunt lucruri bune. Are un gust bun de caramel ca si zaharul de cocos. Poate fi folosit cu succes in locul zaharului obisnuit, singurul inconvenient ar fi ca coloreaza, deci nu-l pot folosi ca indulcitor in preparate albe 🙁

        1. Am folosit mai demult rapadura dar ai dreptate din pacate coloreaza. L-am folosit in prajiturile cu cacao deci nu m-a deranjat. Mai luasem si un zahar cu ff multa melasa. Era negru aproape si foarte lipicios. Din pacate pe ala nu l-am putut folosi in nimic. Imi facea prajiturile negre :)) O sa testez zaharul de cocos, sper sa fie bun 🙂

  3. Trebuie sa incerc reteta cat mai curand.. imi ploua in gura 🙂 Imi spui si mie cand gasesti o solutie pt inlocuirea zaharului. Si eu ma lupt cu asta!