How to Cook with Kidney Beans

How to Cook with Kidney Beans

Are you curious to find out everything you need to know about how to cook with kidney beans? This article is your answer! You also get 10 inspiring recipes with kidney beans!

Kidney beans are one of my favorite types of beans. They’re yummy, versatile, and full of proteins. What’s not to love here?!

Their name is given by their curved shape, of course, very similar to kidneys. And if I come to think about it, red kidney beans look EXACTLY like kidneys, color included. How trippy is that?!

Other than red kidney beans, there are various other types such as white and black. The good news is that, regardless of their color, kidney beans can be cooked and used in the same ways. The flavor is just a tiny bit different, unnoticeable for most people.

In case you want to know how to cook with kidney beans, there are a few things you should keep in mind before getting started and I’m talking about all of them below. Let’s see:

How to cook dry kidney beans on the stove

In case you have some dry kidney beans that you want to use for cooking, you’ll need a little bit of time and patience to boil them. But first, you’ll need to soak them overnight or for at least 5 hours in hot water if you don’t have enough time on your hands. This helps with even cooking and easier digestion of the beans. Once they’re plump and ‘rejuvenated’, you can boil them, but not in the same water. Here’s why…

Now here’s one thing that you maybe didn’t know: raw, dry kidney beans are… toxic. Or at least a bit upsetting for our stomachs. Of course, I’m sure you wouldn’t start eating dry kidney beans as they’re too tough to chew and the taste is weird, to say the least, but this information is important because it means that you SHOULD NOT boil the kidney beans in the same water you soaked them. The soaking water will absorb a lot of that toxic substance, so it’s advised to just throw it down the drain.

Okay, so now you know. First, there’s soaking, then you have to throw that water away and boil your beans in new water, without salt. Yes, you have to boil them completely even if you’re using them in a stew or slow-cooked meal. Water has the power to make the kidney beans unpoisonous, my friends.

How do you cook kidney beans from a can?

Now, this is the easy part, of course. Canned kidney beans are perfectly fine to use. They have vitamins and nutrients and they help you save precious hours from your life. And most canned beans out there are free of weird ingredients, but it’s always best to check before buying.

How do you use them? Just open the can, drain the liquid, rinse the beans and use them. As for the cooking process, you just need to follow the recipe. But scroll down to find a round-up of the most popular ways of cooking with kidney beans, regardless if you’re using “self-boiled” beans or canned ones:

How can I use kidney beans?

  • in curries, of course!
  • in salads
  • in soups
  • in chili con carne – or my Vegan Chili Con Carne /// Chili Sin Carne
  • inside enchiladas or various types of wraps
  • slow-cooked stews or casseroles
  • mash them with a fork, season them and serve as a side dish instead of mashed potatoes;
  • ooooor mash them to form a paste and use it in various combinations for patties for vegan burgers.

And the list could go on and on and on! There are so many ways of cooking with kidney beans that it would take me entire days to finish my list. But if you want to start experimenting ASAP, scroll down to find a surprise!

I have put together a list of 10 of my favorite recipes with kidney beans that will help you understand how to cook with this ingredient and how to nicely integrate it in various combos for various tastes. From a delicious, thick soup to a comforting shepherd’s pie, I’m sure you’ll find something to love down below!

All you need to do to access these recipes is to click on the buttons or titles. Happy cooking! 🙂


If you make this, please leave a review and rating if you liked this recipe! ★★★★★

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