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Exploring World Cuisines – A Vegan Guide.

I hope you’ll be just as excited about this as I am! 🙂 I decided that this year will be the year I will explore the major world cuisines through my blog and turn popular traditional recipes vegan. I will not only post dozens of new recipes each month, most of them being part of this challenge (others being extra recipes that are worth sharing with you even if they’re not on the theme) but also create a guide for each cuisine I study so you can get familiarized with its specifics.

What do you think of my idea? 🙂 I’m super-excited about this and can’t wait to discover new tastes and get challenged to “veganize” meat-based recipes.

Here’s the plan for this year, for each month:

1. January – Asian (with a focus on Chinese, Japanese, Thai and Indian)
2. February – Middle Eastern
3. March – French
4. April – Italian
5. May – Spanish
6. June – Greek
7. July – American
8. August – Mexican
9. September – German
10. October – Swedish
11. November – English
12. December – East-European (mostly Romanian recipes)

At the end of this challenge, I will also create an eBook for you in which I’ll gather all the best recipes I’ve tested. <3 This post will also be updated regularly, after each month with some photos and links to the recipes.

I will soon start the vegan Asian Cuisine challenge for this month and share with you lots of amazing recipes. So stay tuned! 🙂

What are my other plans for this year?

I will also launch a Travel section on my blog. My goal for this year is to travel somewhere at least once a month for a couple of days. I will focus on Romania because I have a very busy schedule and visiting other countries is more complicated, but I may go on a few city breaks in Europe as well. The Travel section will be from a vegetarian’s point of view, meaning that I’ll share with you some of the best veggie-friendly restaurants I can find.

Also, in the next couple of days, I will announce a collaboration with a new friend, Mirela Ivaz, who is a yoga teacher and travel-enthusiast. She will also be a guest blogger here on Gourmandelle, but I will tell you more about this in a future post. So if you want to know more about yoga, you’ll also have a section about this on the blog.

Even more news, I will launch at the end of this month a membership which will be focused on helping you start meal prepping. It will be AWESOME! Lots of videos with step by step recipes, easy and delicious meals, all done in just 2 hours tops for a whole week. Again, more news about this soon, all that I can tell you know is that it will be on

What else…ah, yes! There will be an app! I don’t know when, hopefully, this Spring or Summer, but I want it to be perfect so I won’t rush it. I will do the design myself so it will take some time because of the crazy schedule, but it will be done.

What about you? What are your plans for this year? 🙂

If you make this, please leave a review and rating if you liked this recipe! ★★★★★