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How to Sneak More Celery To Your Meals – 10 Recipes with Celery You’ll Like

How to Sneak More Celery To Your Meals - 10 Recipes with Celery You'll Like

Are you looking for some recipe inspiration? In this list, you will find 10 recipes with celery you’ll like. All of them are yummy, super easy, and quick to make! Give them a try!

Have you ever thought about sneaking more celery into your day-to-day meals? No? That’s such a shame!

But I don’t blame you at all. Most people overlook celery or think about it as a side root vegetable, something you only use for soups or stews. Which is such a shame!

Celery is a flavorful, fragrant veggie that’s also very easy to cook with (although not that easy to *ahem* peel), which means we have no reason not to include it in our recipes more often. In case you’re not convinced about this, let me tell you some fun and interesting facts about celery that may change your mind and help you fall in love with this underestimated veggie:

  • Similarly to cucumbers, celery is 95% water;
  • Celery was used for the first time in cooking in Italy, in the 16th century;
  • Celery can grow as tall as 1 meter;
  • Before people used celery in the kitchen, this amazing root veggie was used as a medicine for anxiety, hypertension, rheumatism, insomnia and even toothache. One more reason to use it in your next recipe!
  • Now here’s a fun fact: in Ancient Greece, celery was used as a flower bouquet and it was offered to athletic games winners;
  • There’s a town founded by celery farmers in Ohio. Yes, you guessed it right: it’s called Celeryville! No joke!
  • Some quick nutritional facts: celery is rich in vitamin K, folate, fiber, potassium and a little bit of vitamin C as well.

Okay, I feel like these are enough useful facts to convince you that celery is awesome. But how can we even consume celery?

First of all, celery can be eaten raw. Just think about crunchy celery sticks served with your choice of dip. Yum! If you don’t like it raw, you can cook it using various methods – braised, steamed, boiled (especially for soups or stews), or sauteed. Celery makes for an excellent side dish if you use these cooking methods and if you never tried this before, please do the next time you have a chance, you’ll surely be impressed!

Before eating it or cooking it, you need to trim off its top (the leaves) and the ‘woody’ base. Make sure you don’t throw away the leaves and spare parts, though – they’re excellent for soup stocks!

This being said, I’m sure you’re interested to get a big dose of inspiration on how to cook with celery. This means you’re in the right place, as I’ve gathered 10 amazing recipes with celery below, all of them vegan and delicious! From stuffed peppers to exotic stews or cream soups, I’m pretty sure you’ll find something to your linking after browsing the list below. Oh, and did I mention I also included a recipe for celery chips? Yep, something like potato chips or French fries, only healthier! 🙂

Eight of these recipes are my own creations and the other two were created by some amazing food bloggers that I totally recommend you follow. And I can vouch for each and every one of these recipes, I love them all equally!

All you need to do is to click on the titles or buttons in order to access each of the recipes on my list below. Happy cooking!

How to Sneak More Celery To Your Meals - 10 Recipes with Celery You'll Like

Are you looking for some recipe inspiration? In this list, you will find 10 recipes with celery you'll like. All of them are yummy, super easy, and quick to make! Give them a try!

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