Red Lentil Pâté (Creamy & Flavorful)
Indulge in this delectable high-protein, low-fat, and low-calorie vegan red lentil pâté recipe. It’s a must-try!
I’ve been wanting to make this recipe for some time now. After stumbling upon a discussion about red lentil pâté on a forum, I was inspired to give it a shot, adding my own twist along the way. I’m not one to follow recipes to the letter. Typically, I rely on visuals, deciphering ingredients from images, and then improvising. No detailed instructions necessary—except when baking, which isn’t my favorite due to its rigidity.

Serving suggestions for red lentil pâté
- Filling for sandwiches: Use the red lentil paste as a tasty filling for sandwiches. You can generously spread the lentil pâté on slices of fresh bread and add various ingredients, such as slices of tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce or avocado, to obtain a healthy and satisfying sandwich.
- Vegetarian wraps: Wrap the red lentil pâté in a tortilla together with various fresh vegetables, such as pepper slices, carrot rings or spinach leaves. Add a spoonful of pate in the middle of the wrap and roll tightly to create a tasty and balanced snack.
- Snacks with cut vegetables: Use the red lentil pâté as a dip for vegetables cut into sticks or slices. You can serve the pâté with fresh vegetables, such as carrots, celery, peppers or cucumbers, to get a healthy snack full of protein.
- Garnish for crackers: Spread the red lentil paste on crunchy crackers for a quick and delicious snack. Choose whole grain or seed crackers for extra nutrients and fiber. You can also add a dash of fresh herbs or hot pepper flakes for extra flavor.

Flavorings for homemade red lentil spread
- Fresh or dried herbs: Add a fresh and vibrant flavor using herbs such as thyme, oregano, basil, parsley or tarragon. These can be finely chopped and mixed directly into the stain to highlight the flavors.
- Aromatic spices: Experiment with spices such as cumin, ground coriander, paprika or curry to add an exotic and intense note to your pate. The dosage of spices can be adjusted according to your taste preferences.
- Citrus: For a slightly acidic and refreshing note, add a little lemon or lime juice to the red lentil pâté. This will perfectly complement the flavor and offer a subtle balance between sweet and sour.
- Toppings: Incorporate additional ingredients such as toasted sesame seeds, chopped walnuts or even chopped olives to add texture and complexity to the taste of the pâté.

Storage (refrigerator / freezer)
- Storage in the refrigerator: After you have prepared the red lentil pâté, transfer it to an airtight container and keep it in the refrigerator. Make sure the container is airtight to prevent the pâté from drying out and degrading.
- Consume within a few days: Red lentil spread is tastiest and freshest in the first few days after preparation. Try to consume it within 3-4 days to enjoy the optimal taste quality.
- Freezing: If you have prepared a large amount of pate and you cannot eat it all in a few days, you can divide it into individual portions and freeze it to keep it fresh longer. Use freezer-proof bags or special containers for the freezer and make sure to remove as much air as possible from the inside to prevent the formation of ice and altering the taste.
- Defrosting and serving: When you want to eat the frozen pâté, take it out of the freezer and let it thaw in the refrigerator overnight. Before serving, mix the pâté well to restore its creamy consistency and delicious taste.

This creamy red lentil pâté recipe turned out perfect! The end result? Simply scrumptious! And isn’t the presentation delightful? I included a ‘secret’ ingredient that not only enhances the flavor but also gives it a lovely hue. Plus, it’s versatile, suitable for both vegan and vegetarian diets.
You have the option to incorporate butter or oil based on your preference. Personally, I’m partial to butter—it adds a richness that elevates the dish.

Serve this red lentil pâté at your next gathering, and prepare to impress your guests!
Lentils fan? Check out these delicious and super easy to make red lentils recipes: Lentils, Veggies and Mushroom Bake, red lentil curry and lentil patties.

Red Lentil Pâté
- Add some water in a medium pot and bring to a boil.
- Add lentils, sliced carrot, onion and salt.
- Boil for about 20-25 minutes, then remove from heat.
- Add mashed garlic and let it cool down for 10 minutes.
- Remove all excess water using a strainer, then move the contents to the food processor.
- Add turmeric, butter or olive oil and 2 ice cubes.
- Process everything until creamy. Add more water if needed to reach the desired consistency.
- Garnish with chopped parsley and serve!
If you make this, please leave a review and rating if you liked this recipe! ★★★★★
Red lentils are my favorite too! I really like this creamy pate, too, and the “secret” ingredient really makes the difference 🙂
Thank you! 🙂 Glad you liked the recipe!
Buna Ruxandra,
De ce nu recomanzi lintea verde? Nu e asa sanatoasa ca si lintea rosie sau sunt alte motive subiective sau obiective?
Buna Oana!
E pur subiectiva alegerea. 🙂 Lintea verde nu imi place nici la gust, nici la culoare, nici la textura si ma enerveaza si ca se fierbe in 40 de minute.
Lintea rosie pe de alta parte se fierbe in 15 minute max., are si o culoare frumoasa si are si gust bun.
L-am încercat și e ok, dar parcă apos sau fără gust, față de hummus sau crema de fasole batută. Am pus destul de mult usturoi si e bun, dar lintea în sine e destul de fadă.
Însă hummusu încercat după rețeta ta e super 🙂
Buna Ana!
Apos nu are cum sa fie decat daca nu ai scurs bine lintea. Se vede din poze ca a iesit la consistenta exact ca hummusul. Cat despre gust, normal ca nu se compara cu hummusul. Nimic nu se compara cu hummusul! :))) Ala e the best of the best.
Ce linte ai folosit? Rosie sau verde? Aia verde nu o recomand deloc, iar asta rosie intradevar nu are un gust asa puternic, dar in combinatia asta cu turmeric are o aroma interesanta.
Ma bucur ca ti-a placut hummusul! 😀