Halloween Stuffed Peppers
Celebrating Halloween? Here’s a yummy recipe you can try making on this special day: Halloween stuffed peppers! Simple and super delicious!
Finally, a recipe that suits this season perfectly, yet it does not contain any trace of pumpkin! I know, what happened to me?

As it so happens, I think peppers are super autumnal as well, and this recipe is for sure fit for the best Halloween party you can possibly throw. As a kid, I used to love stuffed peppers. And I still do.
I love their versatility and the fact that you can make something so simple as a pepper taste so incredibly good. This is a recipe both vegetarians and omnivores are definitely going to love. And even if it requires a biiit more patience, as it’s not super quick, it’s going to be worth it! 🙂

When it comes to peppers, you can theoretically use any color of the bell pepper variety, but I highly recommend opting for the orange or red ones. Aside from the fact that they seem to fit autumn better, with the colorful leaves and all, they’re also the sweetest, and they go really well with the filling. The green ones are, perhaps, the least suitable, as they tend to be pretty bland, even when cooked.
You might wonder where the Halloween part of this recipe might be. Well, that’s the fun stuff. We’re going to “carve” each one of our peppers the same way we would carve a pumpkin – with creepy eyes, nose, mouth, and all of that! 🙂

This is a super fun recipe to try with the kids. Even if Halloween is not a tradition where you live, as it isn’t here in Romania, I still think it’s super fun to do this kind of culinary project with your little one. Or even by yourself. I think it’s cute to play around with your food a bit – no harm done here.
These being said, these peppers are adorable. Not to mention that cutting shapes inside a pepper is nowhere near as complicated as carving a whole pumpkin. You won’t end up with that big of a mess, either – if you’ve ever carved a pumpkin, you do know what I’m talking about! 😉

As with all vegetables out there, peppers are super nutritious. In fact, they’re one of my favorite vegetables ever. All pepper varieties are excellent sources of vitamins A and C, potassium, folic acid, and fiber – whose importance I cannot stress enough on this page. Either consumed fresh or cooked, they’re super healthy and delicious. Red bell peppers are also packed with antioxidants, which we should strive to include in our daily diet.
But, truth be told, eating plain, raw bell peppers sounds boring and unappetizing. This recipe is an easy way to include more of this vegetable into our diets!

Cooked bell peppers tend to be sweeter and more satisfying, and, paired with this incredible satiating filling, these will certainly fill up your tummy and keep you full for the next few hours.
Now, when it comes to the stuffing, you can adjust the recipe according to your personal preferences. Using a starchy base, such as rice or quinoa, is what I usually recommend, as it gives the recipe that satiety factor. Though brown rice is a little bit healthier, because of the amount of fiber it has, I recommend using white for this recipe, as it’s a lot fluffier and tends to go really well with the rest of the ingredients. You can pair it with whatever vegetables you prefer, such as little bits of mushrooms, corn, or even carrots.

This recipe somehow manages to be both comfort food and a healthy option. You won’t find this combination too often nowadays!
I can’t imagine a kid who will not want to eat this, no matter how deeply he or she hates vegetables. This is a sure, foolproof way to make your little one include more of the good stuff into their diet. You can also make this suitable for anyone, either vegetarian or omnivore, either by opting to use only the rice and veggie mixture or, if you like bell peppers stuffed with ground meat, choosing a meat replacement – these are so easy to find nowadays.

I hope you’re going to try this recipe for Halloween, as it’s super fun, easy to make, and also delicious! 🙂

Halloween Stuffed Peppers
- 3 bell peppers
- 200 g tofu smoked, blended to a creamy texture
- ¼ celery root grated
- 2 carrots grated
- 1 onion sliced
- 1 Tbsp olive oil
- Salt
- Pepper
- Cut the top part of the peppers, remove the seeds and wash them.
- Sautee the onion in 1 Tbsp of olive oil, over medium heat, until translucent.
- In a bowl, combine the onion, tofu cream, celery root, carrot and season with salt and pepper.
- Stuff the bell peppers with the mixture, put the top back on.
- Cover the stem with aluminum foil and bake at 180 degrees C for 30 minutes, covering them with aluminum foil after 10 minutes.
If you make this, please leave a review and rating if you liked this recipe! ★★★★★
Such a fun idea! 🙂 My kids loved it!